Valley Bookseller Recommends “The Women”

by | Feb 2024

The Women

Celebrate Women’s History Month this March with a new release from Kristin Hannah.

It’s the mid-1960s. President Kennedy has been assassinated, and the United States is singularly focused on fighting communism. Frances “Frankie” McGrath’s brother has just enlisted to serve in the Vietnam War, so she decides to enlist as a war nurse to follow him.

Frankie, the authentic and lionhearted main character, has it all planned out—she’ll travel to Vietnam, serve safely away from the front lines and return home to secure her father’s approval and a spot on his prized “Wall of Heroes.” But war, as it so often does, has other ideas.

Frankie experiences the same Vietnam War as the men: its unique horrors and crippling PTSD. Despite this, she’ll never be recognized as a war hero. Until much later, few of the women who served in Vietnam will be.

It’s so easy to give this novel the five stars it deserves. Hannah’s pacing is superb, her research is comprehensive and she takes great care examining and revering female friendships.

Rachael Johnson is the assistant manager at Valley Bookseller. You can find The Women on the shelves at Valley Bookseller after its February 6 release date, or preorder at


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