Hudson Photographer Loves Capturing ‘the Little Things’

by | Apr 2019


Photo: Violet Penman

Hudson photographer loves the little things in life.

Nineteen-year-old Violet Penman is a graduate of Hudson High School and a student at the University of Wisconsin – River Falls. This self-taught photographer says she’s flipped through a few photography books and gets some inspiration from magazines and the occasional Pinterest post, but mostly she just likes to go outside and take pictures. She submitted this lovely photo titled Dream to our 2018 Lens on St. Croix Valley photo contest.

While the photo looks as if Penman was up close, she used a telephoto lens and snapped this photo while standing far away. “I like to shoot mushrooms, little flowers and bumblebees,” she says. Her combined loves of nature and photography are evident in her pursuits as a college horticulture major and art minor. She’s also been digging in the garden alongside her mother since she was little. “There was so much weeding, pruning, digging and transplanting,” Penman says. “Whenever my mom thought there got to be ‘too many cooks in the kitchen,’ I’d just start taking photos.”

Penman hopes her photography can bring awareness to the environment and how we interact with it. “It is important to be aware of the little things we don’t typically notice everyday,” she says. We can’t help but tnotice the beauty in this capture.


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