September marks the beginning of apple ripening in Minnesota.
According to the University of Minnesota, most apple varieties in the area should be harvested during the month of September. The Valley is chock-full of apple orchards, offering pick-your-own apples, sweet treats and more.
Where to Pick:
Aamodt’s Apple Farm is a go-to for many locals due to its proximity to the river. Offering nearly 25 varieties from August to December (17 of those being available in September!), Aamodt’s offers pick-your-own apples, fresh homemade apple pie, local honey and more in its Apple Barn and Bakery. Head next door to Saint Croix Vineyards and Thor’s Hard Cider for award-winning, cold-climate wines and hard cider. 6428 Manning Ave., Stillwater; 651.439.3127; aamodtsapplefarm.com
Afton Apple’s fall harvest season begins in late August, and the orchard is open daily through October 31. Enjoy pick-your-own apples and Café ala Apple, serving up fresh apple cider, donuts and fritters, alongside other fall favorites. Activities include a playground, petting farm, yard games, hayrides and more. 14421 90th St. S., Hastings; 651.436.8385; aftonapple.com
Pine Tree Apple Orchard offers a variety of locally grown apples and shares estimated harvest dates on its website, so pickers are always in tune to the best days to visit. The large grounds also feature a corn maze, wagon rides, a pumpkin patch, caramel apples, fresh apple cider and other fresh-baked goods. 450 Apple Orchard Road, White Bear Lake; 651.429.7202; pinetreeappleorchard.com
Sunnybrook Apple Orchard celebrates its sixth anniversary selling apples this year, including Zestar, SweeTango and Honey Crisp varieties. This locally owned orchard has walking trails and picture-perfect spots, ideal for families. 9085 Jeffrey Blvd. N., Stillwater; 651.432.4866; sunnybrookeappleorchard.com
Whistling Well Farm is a go-to for apples, pumpkins, mums and more. Whistling Well offers free admission and complimentary wagons, is dog-friendly and includes a kids climbing area, goats and chickens, live music, food trucks and more. 8973 St. Croix Trail S., Hastings; 651.998.0301; whistlingwellfarm.com