“Great Blue Heron Black” by Kit Shoop
Watercolor painter captures the beauty of local birds.
Kit Shoop’s love of art blossomed during her childhood when she received the wholehearted encouragement of her parents. Today, she is a proud mother and grandmother who continues to build upon a successful career and still finds joy through her artistic exploration.
Shoop settled in Stillwater in 1972, when she discovered an old farmhouse for sale on 10 acres of land just north of Stillwater. “I just love living out in the country. To me, it’s home,” she says. Over the years, Shoop and her husband, Wally, a bronze sculpture artist, refurbished the home where they raised a family, create art together, and welcome (and feed) the many animals that dwell on the property—from horses and dogs to grey fox and raccoons. “Wally has been so supportive of my career over all of these years; to have a partner like that is really special. We just do our work and feed everyone,” Shoop says with a laugh.
Shoop paints vivid watercolors that depict rural scenes and animals, primarily birds, using rich colors and fine brushwork. She is currently working on a series of smaller pieces that feature such birds as blue jays, chickadees and swallows. “People in Minnesota enjoy seeing [paintings of] birds that are here in our own backyards,” she says, “and I enjoy the beauty of it all.”
Shoop’s paintings can be found at the Stillwater Art Guild.
Annual Kit Shoop Christmas Show
Nov. 28-29, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
11458-120th St. N., Stillwater
For directions, call 651.439.9793;
Variety of original paintings and prints; refreshments served.