Therapeutic riding program opens doors for those with disabilities. At River Valley Riders, smiles and stories reign. The organization’s therapeutic...
UW-River Falls Rodeo Team is Riding High
The University of Wisconsin River Falls Rodeo team and club celebrates 56 years. Established in 1963 by faculty member David Stafford, the...
St. Croix Trail Blazers Saddle Up to Help Those with Special Needs
Equine therapy helps riders through life’s journey. Founded in 2010, the St. Croix Trail Blazers is a unique organization with a group of riders who...
True North Ranch is a Horse Haven in Hastings
True North Ranch offers a respite for animals and animal-lovers. With its extraordinary white barn, sprawling pastures and a wide-open sky, True...
Hudson Horse Farms Offer Riding Lessons and Emotional Connections
How three horse-training facilities in Hudson explore the therapeutic side of bonding with equines. Riding isn’t about just saddling up and hitting...