Put on your best formal attire and join Community Thread at our sixth annual Black Tie Bingo event. On April 22, approximately 200 guests will gather at The Grand Banquet Hall in Stillwater for this fun and memorable event. Guests will enjoy cocktail hour with delicious hors d’oeuvres and desserts, music, mystery prize wall, online auction and a free photo booth. A cash bar will be available.
Bingo begins at 7 p.m. Local celebrity callers will share their own personal flair as they call one of five Bingo games. Lucky Bingo winners will receive fabulous prizes such as overnight stays, golf packages, private wine tastings, and more (each Bingo game prize is valued near $500).
Mingle, laugh and enjoy the night with the local “who’s who” in our area. This event will sell out, so get your tickets now at BlackTieBingo23.givesmart.com. Sponsorship opportunities are available by contacting Cathleen Hess at Cathleen@CommunityThreadMN.org or by calling 651-439-7434.