Cycling programs for all ages and abilities flourish throughout the Valley. You can bike through St. Croix Valley, around the Valley, up and down...
Franconia Sculpture Park Welcomes New Director Alex Legeros
To visit Franconia Sculpture Park is to enter another world. Absurd eyeball-like orbs rotate on an axis, moved by the breeze; an unassuming shed...
Meet a Music Maven
“The most important thing that you can do in the whole world is to give back to your community,” says Kristin Tjornehoj, a lifelong resident,...
GiveBIG St. Croix Valley Is Set for April 30
One can give a little, give a lot, and giveBIG St. Croix Valley. Presented by United Way St. Croix Valley, the giveBIG St. Croix Valley campaign is...
Community Thread Helps Seniors Stay Independent
Stillwater nonprofit helps older adults stay independent longer. “Each act of service is a thread that ties people, communities and lives together...
Power of 100+ Offers Life Changing Opportunities
The women of the Valley support one another. What started as a simple act of kindness, blossomed into an organization of hope. Power of 100+ is an...
St. Croix Valley Nonprofits Help the Community
Celebrating the spirit of giving that builds the foundation of St. Croix Valley. While the St. Croix Valley is sprawling, it contains a through line...
Community Strong
“We help change people’s lives.” Executive director Jessica Ryan says the broad mission of the United Way of Washington County-East (UWWCE) provides...
‘The Community is Tremendous’: Operation HELP Expands to Meet Growing Needs
Volunteer organization Operation HELP is supporting more St. Croix Valley families than ever during the COVID-19 pandemic. St. Croix Valley...
Valley Outreach Helps Community Members in Need Move Forward
Valley Outreach Between 2018 and 2019, Valley Outreach provided over 1 million meals and 68,000 clothing items to people in need. The mission of...
St. Croix Valley Foundation Bridging Communities Through Charity, Outreach
United support of all St. Croix Valley residents. With a focus strictly on maintaining and bettering the community for all of the residents living...